“Charlie bit me” video with 883 million views soon to disappear from YouTube

One of the most watched kid’s videos on the website is Charlie bit my finger. Charlie bit my finger is One of the most well-known children’s videos taken off from YouTube. Two kids are seen in the picture. One of them repeatedly bites his brother’s finger.
More than 883 million people have watched the recording since it was published on the video-sharing service in 2007. The original recording will be taken down from YouTube after the title actors decide to auction off the rights to the work as an NFT token. The video features Harry and Charlie, who are now teenagers.
NFT stands for English non-fungible token, exclusive ownership of an original and unique digital work. This is therefore handed over by the protagonists of the recording to the future winner. The auction has already started; the bid is currently at 95 thousand dollars, roughly 27.1 million forints.
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The auction closes on Sunday, May 23, at 4 pm Hungarian time. The recording is then taken from YouTube, more specifically from a channel called HDCYT.