3 hours of Gaming per week for those under the age of 18 in China

China has tried to regulate how much young people can play online before, but now the country’s leaders have passed stricter laws than ever before.
According to the latest rules, only those under 18 can play online only on the last three days of the week (Friday-Sunday) and public holidays, between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. In an average week, when there is no holiday, young people can spend no more than 3 hours playing online, and it is also precisely determined when.
Enforcement of the law will be the responsibility of the companies operating the toys, not the parents. Large providers such as Tencent will require users to register and only be required to allow the game to be played at specified times for under-18s.
The strict regulations were brought about because of gambling addiction in China, where state media called online games “spiritual opium.” In 2019, by the way, the number of young people allowed to play was already regulated once, a limit of 90 minutes per day was set, and up to 3 hours were allowed on public holidays. Now, this has been tightened up, not a little. Do you agree with such restrictions?