How do I know if someone has blocked me on Instagram?

Suppose a user has blocked you on Instagram. In that case, they will not see you in any way: notifications will not appear, and as if the user has stopped working for you: you will not be able to see their publications (if they say they have a closed account, it just means you must sign up and get permission to view it, not that it has been blocked), you will not be able to see it during searches, nor will the comments and likes of the user you have blocked.

Finding out if a user has been blocked on Instagram is fairly straightforward, and there are several easy ways to do this. Related topic: How to block a user on Instagram, find and unblock the blocked ones.

Find out if it has been disabled on Instagram

The following:

  1. Any user tries to mention the user’s photo, note who allegedly disabled – write only @User comments text and send it.
  2. If you get a “Can’t mention” message that says, “The user has restricted who can mention them,” it’s likely that you’ve entirely blocked you.
  3. If you click OK in the window of step 2, the comment will appear (but only you can see it), and you can click on the username. If your profile opens but is empty, it also indicates that you have been blocked.

If you don’t know your username, you won’t be able to find it in your account, but you can request the name of a familiar friend who hasn’t been blocked.

The second easy way is to use your Instagram account to go through the browser on your computer or laptop, or you can go to the phone page (type in the address bar of your browser). If you see a page that says, “Sorry, this page is not available. You may have used an invalid link, or the page may have been removed »: This user may have blocked you.

To ensure this, open your browser in incognito mode and reopen the same page (i.e., no longer under your account, but without accessing Instagram). If you see a user’s posts or a message that an account is closed, the page exists and is blocked.

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