Microsoft to force Installing Windows 11 Pro with Internet and a Microsoft Account

You’ll need to sign in to a Microsoft ID account and have an Internet connection to install Windows 11 Pro. A significant irritation that many users will despise has been added to the already contentious minimum hardware requirements.
After releasing the first, Microsoft continues to work on the following big Windows 11 updates. Ars Technica spotted the problem in the current preview build’s changelog, which was already present in Windows 11 Home. As a result, the installation process (OOBE) in already deployed equipment or new OEMs that pre-install the system will require Internet access and a Microsoft account. It isn’t easy, especially for administrators or users who regularly set up new installations for development or testing, but for anyone in general.
Windows 11 Pro will be even more difficult to Install
Neither of these requirements is technically required to install a Windows 11 Pro operating system. We may not always have access to the Internet, and imagine if Windows cannot load the essential drivers for LAN or Wi-Fi to function correctly. Are you without a computer? In any event, you can apply the final configuration or updates afterward. A connection is not required for a simple setup up.
A Microsoft account doesn’t work either. And, if it eventually wins, it will be the only primary operating system that requires it. Apple Macs don’t need an Internet connection during setup and let you create a local account. When setting up iPhones and iPads, you can also skip the login step. Android requires an Internet account for activation but not for login to get to the home screen. Even Chrome OS offers a guest mode that allows you to do basic browsing without logging in.
It should be noted that Windows 11 Pro can work with either a user-created local account or a Microsoft ID account. Depending on the option we choose, several operating system features and their management alter. More vital connectivity to Microsoft apps and cloud services, excellent synchronization with other machines, and access to features like password resetting from the cloud are advantages of having an online account.
On the other hand, a local account has several modest advantages, including not being linked to an online identity that can be stolen and more privacy, which was previously one of Windows 11’s most controversial features.
The essential point is that the user should have complete choice to choose one or the other. Microsoft can highlight the benefits of its accounts in a straightforward and non-obligatory manner. Let’s hope it doesn’t get broadcast on a major network.