Try Birds Shazam: this app recognizes them by sound

The following mobile app will help you identify birds based on their chirping. You can do good service on a pleasant excursion. An enhanced part of the free mobile app Merlin Bird ID, made in the Cornell Ornithological Laboratory, added Shazam-like features to the app’s knowledge.
After downloading, you need to register with your email address, and then you can use the app, either on your Android phone or iPhone. We first need to download a “bird pack” to our mobile.
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The app will also recommend one based on our situation, which we need to know. It’s not done yet, because to identify bird sounds, you even need to download the Sound ID file and then allow the app to record audio.

From now on, if you hear a bird song, press the record button, and the app will tell you almost immediately who it is, and even the characteristics of a couple of birds, so we can get to know the bird’s habitat food, etc. The artificial intelligence behind the app identifies birds not only by sounds but also by images.
Also worth mentioning is the Birds Shazam App (Explore Birds) feature of the app, which shows all the birds that may be near us on a given day. Although it does not include voice recognition, it is still effective in recognizing birds – and it provides many exciting things.