A new warning alert will be added to TikTok, which can help protect users

In the future, TikTok wants to help those who are tormented by negative thoughts.
The spread of harmful content is a severe problem on Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. Therefore, the company will warn users in the future if an in-app search results in a “worrying hit.”
TikTok has previously introduced a warning that appeared before sensitive content. Still, now a search result will also appear on the search results page if the search terms are expected to return such a result. In such cases, it is not the videos that will appear but the warning itself. Here, users can choose to ignore this.

The company also wants to provide more severe help than before to those looking for self-abuse content. A warning will pop up in which TikTok will tell you where those with mental and spiritual problems can seek help.
In addition, the app shows content where users can hear their advice on how someone can discuss their issues with friends and loved ones. The novelty will be available to U.S. users for the time being but will hopefully be introduced elsewhere later.