Beyond Good and Evil 2: According to Ubisoft, this game is still in development

Ubisoft hosted its first-quarter fiscal conference this week, during which it, among other things, received questions from investors.
Ubisoft is considering switching to Steam Deck, but only if the platform grows large enough. But the arrival of Beyond Good & Evil 2 is much more intriguing. Investors questioned Frederick Duguet, Ubisoft’s chief financial officer, if the game may be launched in 2024, and Duguet replied that it was too early to say.
Despite this, they’re making good progress in the game. Of course, this does not rule out the possibility of the game appearing in that fiscal year, but it does not appear to have a release date shortly.
Even though Michel Ancel was the original director of the sequel, he announced his retirement last year. According to Ubisoft, Ancel’s link with Beyond Good & Evil had already been dissolved, even before the developer departed the French firm.
Beyond Good & Evil 2 is almost finished. The game was first announced in 2008, but a prototype was never completed. A new preview was revealed nine years later during the 2017 E3. After that, there wasn’t much publicity about it, though they continued to demonstrate its gameplay for a while. In a previous section, we discussed the first half of Beyond Good and Evil.
Ubisoft recently stated that Riders Republic and Rainbow Six Extraction, two upcoming games, would be delayed. The latter will not be available until January 2022.