Gmail now has a feature to make video calls and send voice notes

We would have looked at Google very strangely a few years ago if it had announced that it would be adding voice mail to Gmail. However, the coronavirus epidemic overwrote this as well.
The voice and video call feature announced in the fall has arrived in Google’s mail; Gmail, the search giant, reported in a blog post about it. The development results from a pandemic and is designed to make it as convenient as possible for users to chat with each other.
This was not the case before because a Meet invitation had to be sent for someone to start a conversation with a correspondent. However, the amendment removes the unnecessary burden and makes connecting easier for partners.
Google has emphasized that the change will only help chat between the two parties, meaning that group chats are not (yet) available. However, the feature will be available on both primary mobile interfaces, including Android and iOS.
Because the introduction is gradual, the ability to chat does not appear to users simultaneously. In any case, you may want to keep the application up to date and install the currently available update.