Google creates a spectacular novelty searchable in Gmail

Google offers dozens of pre-made but editable images for users to set as profile images. The novelty is currently only available for androids.
Users with a Google Account have long had the option to set up a profile picture for themselves, but Google is now twisting one thing. The company has announced that from now on, not only photos and user-uploaded images can be used, but also images pre-made by the company.
Google Illustrations will appear in the first round for Android users in the Gmail app. This solution is beneficial for those who want to associate an image with their account but don’t want it to be a photo of them.
Google didn’t leave it to chance: it took dozens of images on various topics, so the user would have plenty to choose from.
To set it up, all you have to do is open the Gmail app, then tap and change your profile picture.
According to Google, anyone who doesn’t like the default image can make it unique.
If someone hasn’t published the illustrations yet, it’s worth coming back later, as it will probably become available to all androids in a short time. The company promises that the option will soon be available to iPhone users and Gmail browser users.