GTA Online: The game promises great earning potential and Black Friday promotions
Worth a visit to Los Santos

This week at GTA Online is very exceptional. In addition to yesterday’s regular weekly update, the game’s Black Friday promotion has started today, where we can get the most helpful military “games” at a great price.
But we can also bring in movables that are of little use to you, but you can cut up with them in front of the people of Los Santos that you have plucked El Rubio well. Let’s see what this week has brought to GTA Online!
We’ve come to the end of GTA Online’s “Heist month,” so Cayo Perico Heist, the most lucrative money-making opportunity, also promises a bonus. From yesterday to Thursday next week, until 10:30 a.m., the primary booty of the first mapped Cayo Perico Heistotok will be the panther statue, the most valuable loot in the entire game, so it’s worth a visit to Cayo Perico Island.
If you complete a Cayo Perico Heist prep mission, the game rewards you with an orange goggle, and if you meet the Heist finale, an orange mask slips in. In addition, if they entered the contest before Dec. 2, $500,000 will land in Maze Bank bank accounts after Dec. 2. In addition, each player will receive a T-shirt advertising Still Slipping Frend Tee on Joy Orbison’s radio.
One of the audience’s favorite adversary game modes, Overtime Rumble, is temporarily returning this week, plus double money and XP for it. There’s also a doubling multiplier in Kart Krash: Full Auto deathmatch mode and “A Superyacht Life” yacht contact quests.
The weekly prize ride prize is the Annis ZR350, which could be earned by finishing in the top 5 for four days in a row in a Pursuit Series race. The Grotti Visione supercar stretches on the casino podium, so it’s worth spinning the casino wheel.
The weekly write-downs are about the Cayo Perico Heist: The Kosatka submarine and its upgrades are 35% cheaper this week, and both go-karts, the Dinka Veto Classic and Modern, are 40% cheaper. The Kurtz Patrol Boat is 30% more affordable, and the Sparrow, Kraken Avisa, Weaponized Dinghy, and Vapid Slamtruck are 40% cheaper.
Black Friday Discounts (Valid November 26-29):
- Superyacht and its upgrades are 40% cheaper
- Karin Calico GTF is 40% cheaper
- Grotti X80 Proto is 50% cheaper
- RO-86 Alkonost 50% cheaper
- Imponte Deluxo is 50% cheaper
- Declasse Scramjet is 50% cheaper
- Mammoth Avenger is 50% cheaper
- Ocelot Stromberg is 50% cheaper
- Pegassi Toreador is 50% cheaper
- Pegassi Oppressor (original) is 50% cheaper
- Pegassi Oppressor MK. II 50% cheaper
- Buckingham Luxor and Luxor Deluxe (gold plated) are 50% cheaper
Here are some tips for beginners: buy a Kosat from the weekly discounts, get guided missiles, and get a Sparrow helicopter. These are useful because you can launch Cayo Perico Heisto from Kosatá, and with the help of Sparrow, you are done quickly with the preparations for the robbery.
And the missiles are needed so you can shoot down the Merryweather helicopter to get the unmarked weapons. If you fired the helicopter, restart the mission. Do this until the game launches a mission to go to the office of a criminal gang for guns.
Among the Black Friday devaluations, buy the Pegassi Toreador, an amphibian car with excellent armor and heat-tracking missiles, ask to be stored in the Koska. If you still have money, you can buy the Pegassi Oppressor MK. II aircraft engine (yes, this is an aircraft engine).
Although most players use this vehicle for immoral purposes, in good hands, this futuristic engine makes the player incredibly mobile, making it much easier to make money.