Nanoleaf Aurora – One of the best Smart Design lamps in the world

Sometime in early summer, I got the Aurora product from Nanoleaf, a bright lamp. It’s not just any! We can create the look ourselves, making it unique and displaying an “infinite” amount of color with brutal brightness and speed.
I’ve been eyeing Aurora for a long time because it’s highly spectacular, but it’s not a cheap product. In my opinion, whoever buys it will not be disappointed, and lately, we have received many updates that give us even more options to use the lamp. Watch the video below to see what it is all about, and then I’ll show you in detail about the Aurora.
As you can see, we can build the Aurora in almost any shape thanks to its condition. These elements are connected and thus form a complete light source that we invent. The end of the triangles led lamps to illuminate the entire matte surface. Not incidentally, they have a considerable brightness- so I usually only use it at 20 30%.
The assembly is straightforward. We attach the panels and then put them on the wall with double-sided glue. There’s only one cable that will stick out at the bottom, so it’s a good idea to put it over some furniture to hide it, too. After that, you have to turn on and start the app.
I’ve learned many times that hardware alone is scarce for a product, no matter how good or cheap it may be. The company’s software and its update and support always bring the “Canaan.” Nanoleaf won’t be left behind in this. You can also buy many services, cloud-stored so-called scenes, and add-ons for Aurora.