Most devices now have iOS 15 installed

Users were initially wary of iOS 15, but according to Mixpanel’s data, acceptance of the new system has grown. On September 20, Apple released iOS 15, its latest mobile operating system, including several new features.
Despite their previous announcement, there didn’t appear to be much pushed to upgrade, with many more users upgrading to iOS 14 just 24 hours after its release.
However, iOS 15 introduces a new feature. Users have now loaded iOS 15 on 20% of compatible phones (iPhone 6s and later), according to the latest Mixpanel statistics, knowing (or perhaps not knowing) that it is already here. There’s no turning back now.

However, as with other contemporary operating systems, iOS 15 will undoubtedly disappoint some users as it contains issues not discovered during testing.
For example, a bogus warning regarding total storage after the installation or that it doesn’t work well with Spotify (or Spotify) causes issues with AirPods Pro wireless headphones.
Even a security researcher has demonstrated that the system doesn’t work well and can be hijacked. However, the good news is that Apple released iOS 15.0.1 early Friday night, which fixes several issues.