Rockstar Games officially confirms that GTA VI is well into development

As we can find in a Rockstar Games blog entry, the next iteration of the company’s sandbox, Grand Theft Auto VI, is well into its development, so not only can we confirm all the rumors that referred to the development of the next Grand Theft Auto are true but have been confirmed for quite some time.
Rockstar’s post is relatively brief on this subject since we can find several topics of conversation in it, such as some changes that GTA Online will receive and the version for next-generation consoles.

However, besides the brief information about its development, we can see how Rockstar promises us updates as soon as possible. Thus, a trailer for the new title, as well as screenshots, may not be as out of the question as you might initially think.
To learn more about Grand Theft Auto VI, we will have to pay attention to the Rockstar Newswire. The developer informs users of the latest news regarding its games in this portal, although the rest of Rockstar’s social networks will probably also be seen. They will be packed with many new details.