Samsung follows Apple yet again with its new features

The apple company is often accused of stealing the same technology from other manufacturers, which they then try to sell as their own. This time the dice turned.
Several users have complained that the title bar of the Safari browser has been added to the bottom of the screen in the newer iOS. The change is not binding. Anyone who does not want to live with it can return to the previous style. Apple explained the difference to make it more convenient to browse.
Whether the same thing at Samsung prompted engineers to create a similar feature is no longer known. At the same time, the 9to5Mac wrote that South Koreans also plan to do something like this – meaning they essentially copied Apple’s idea.
well gee Samsung, I wonder why you suddenly decided to add this option now to your browser, I just can’t fathom a guess
— dan seifert (@dcseifert) November 3, 2021
The only difference is that Samsung has the original layout (this is not the case with Apple, as the new style is already visible there). Anyone who would like to try out the title bar near their finger can switch right away, and the switch has already been included in the beta version of the built-in browser. (We still have to wait for the live versions.)
Anyway, Firefox also offers such an option, but Samsung introduced it after Apple stepped in.