Steve Jobs, Apple’s legendary founder and president, died ten years ago

According to his colleagues, Jobs was surrounded by a natural force field, his faith in his ideas could not be shaken by anyone and nothing. It is also due to this that the company, which has become a garage company, has generated billions in revenue in a few years.
Ten years ago, on October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs, founder and president of Apple, one of the most prominent figures in the technology industry, died.
Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco. His German mother in Switzerland and his father in Syria were graduating students, so they adopted their children. Jobs only got to know his blood parents as adults. Paul and Clara Jobs raised the boy in Mountain View, which had just become known as Silicon Valley because countless semiconductor manufacturers and IT companies had set foot here. The school was boring, he did not respect authority, but he passed the exams excellently. On the weekends, he and his father, like the engineers in the area, worked enthusiastically on their gadgets in the garage. At the age of 13, he met one of the most important characters in his life, 18-year-old electronics genius Stephen “Woz” Wozniak, with whom he later founded Apple.
After high school, he became a student at Reed College, but only for half a year because he was more interested in Eastern philosophy, the fruit diet, and LSD. He moved to a hippie commune in Oregon for a few months, where he was primarily engaged in apple growing. When he returned to California, he was employed by video game maker Atari. He traveled to India “seeking enlightenment” from his salary but returned disappointed.

Jobs contacted Wozniak, who designed his computer and suggested starting a joint venture. Apple was registered in the garage of the Jobs family’s Cupertino house on April 1, 1976, and the company’s imposing headquarters are still in that city today. The Apple I computers they assembled were offered for $ 666.66, for which they now pay an astronomical price. Wozniak soon began working on a new design machine with a color display targeting the consumer market. Jobs managed to raise $ 250,000 in capital for the project from Mike Markkula, who retired from Intel as a millionaire at the age of 32, so they could introduce the Apple II in April 1977. The first commercially successful computer was manufactured until 1993, with the help of which generations became acquainted with the basics of computer technology.
Jobs listed Apple on December 12, 1980, and after the move, his fortune rose to over $ 200 million. The company’s president was seduced by Pepsi-Cola CEO John Sculley in 1983, who, according to legend, was convinced by Jobs with the question, “Do you want to sell sugary water for the rest of your life?”. The company’s revenue has grown from $ 800 million to $ 8 billion over the next decade. The lion’s share of the Macintosh launched in 1984, which greeted the excited audience in its voice at the show, and the event has since been referred to as the archetype of ‘event marketing.’ The Macintosh was the first computer for home use to have a graphical user interface controlled with a mouse and pre-installed a word processor and drawing program.
The conflict between visionary Jobs and handsome businessman Sculley ultimately escalated by 1985, and Jobs was forced to leave the company he founded. In 1986, he acquired a majority stake in Pixar, a computer graphics company he developed into a major animation studio. Pixar made the first fully computer-animated film, Toy Story, in 1995. Jobs was a billionaire after a share issue that year. The expensive workstations of his company, founded as NeXT Computer, did not live up to their promise, but it did lead him back to Apple.
Apple, struggling with increasing difficulties after his departure, looked for a new operating system after Microsoft Windows 95 and opted for NeXT software. The company was bought for $ 400 million, and Jobs took back the lead in 1997. With hard work, he rebuilt the company, which came up with a series of products that experts considered fantasy magic, but were a resounding success and later imitated by everyone. According to his colleagues, Jobs was surrounded by a natural force field, his faith in his instinctive ideas could not be shaken.
The music player iPod debuted in 2001, along with Apple’s online music store, and in 2006 a portable MacBook with desktop computer knowledge was launched. The following year saw the first and still most popular smartphone, the iPhone, reshaping the telecommunications market. The device was also capable of playing music and browsing the Internet. Developers could write programs on it – the iPhone still accounts for much of the revenue from the company, which has since changed its name to Apple Inc. “Big brother,” the iPad tablet, was released in 2010. Apple’s system is closed, its products offer the perfect combination of hardware and software, and in addition to their quality, they are also known for their school-creating designs. The black-turtled Jobs, referred to as the guru, introduced the news himself every year, leaving the most significant bang to the end,
In 2003, he was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer but stubbornly refused all medical treatment, preferring to try an alternative diet. It was too late by the time he set out for the surgeries. He went on sick leave in January 2011, resigned as CEO in August, and died on October 5, 2011, two months later.
Apple has soared under Tim Cook over the past decade, surpassing $1 trillion in 2018 and $2 trillion last year, making it the most valuable company globally.