Think carefully before updating your iPhone – if you do, there’s no going back

Apple’s latest operating system came with several significant new features, and many immediately upgraded to it. They can no longer change their minds and can’t return to the previous operating system.
With a slight exaggeration, the moment iOS 15 was released, anyway, on the same day, Apple stopped signing iOS 14.7.1 at a remarkable speed, which means that once someone has installed the new version of the operating system, they can no longer revert to 14.7.1. more.
Apple released this “lifesaver” update in late July, among other things, by fixing a bug in the integration between the iPhone and Apple Watch, another issue that not everyone did well with. A quick emergency update was released on September 13, a week before iOS 15, patching iOS 14.8 with a zero-day vulnerability. If someone has installed this, they also can’t go back to iOS 14.7.1.
And that may not be good news for everyone. Because the same sounds reasonable that a new version of iOS, for example, 15, how much is unknown, however, will be those who will encounter errors after the update – for example, revealed that meghekkelhető the new system.
On the other hand, the return trip has been closed, so anyone who experiences severe issues with iOS 14.8 or iOS 15 will have to wait for a future update.