The World’s first Audio Metaverse Platform has arrived

When we think of the metaverse, we imagine a three-dimensional virtual universe that we may view through a specialised device and interact with the different features it provides.
But now, Cubemint is launching the audio metaverses segment, making it the first platform to do so. The most intriguing aspect is that users will need wireless headphones to engage in virtual three-dimensional audio rooms, which will be open at all times and will not be dependent on hosts. Users will be able to explore and converse with other users there.
As stated in the description:
Cubemint has invented an Audio Metaverse, audio augmented reality in which users can converse with one another while exploring an immersive audio realm.
This isn’t the only feature of this novel platform; users may also create their sounds as NFT audio and sell them to other users on the network.
Another intriguing feature is the NFT audios, which may be generated and sold for others to purchase on their accounts. Cubemnit points out that its platform is based on Apple’s Spatial Audio technology, which means it can only be used by iOS users who have Airpods Pro.
For the time being, the platform is in the testing phase, so individuals who join will serve as beta testers, providing feedback and allowing Cubemint to evolve until it achieves its aim.
We’ll see if this platform becomes a benchmark in its genre or similar genres over time, which could serve as inspiration for other platforms to emerge.