There are no more updates for Watch Dogs: Legion. Not even a year’s worth of support

On the official Ubisoft blog, it has been announced that Watch Dogs: Legion will not receive any new updates, and that is why patch 5.6, released last September, was the previous patch received by this game released on September 29. October 2020.
According to the company, the game already has enough content. They even welcome that their seasons for multiplayer mode are repeated with the excuse of having “the opportunity to obtain rewards that you have missed.”
Watch Dogs: Legion was released in October 2020, when you joined us in stopping the authoritarian powers that were threatening the city of London. The launch of the online mode allowed you to continue your adventure with DedSec London.
You had the chance to stop new threats in Tactical Ops and pit yourself against your friends in the PvP Spiderbot Stadium. Since then, we’ve continued to expand the world of Watch Dogs: Legion with lots of new content for both single-player and online modes.
We’ve introduced new game modes, from fan favorites like Invasion to Resistance mode, plus a reimagining of London as a zombie apocalypse with Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead.
We’ve also added new characters to the game, such as Mina Sidhu, a test subject with mind control powers; Helen, a retiree who carries strawberry candies and a taser in her bag and doesn’t hesitate to use either one to melt hearts; and Darcy, an Assassin with a solid connection to the London Brotherhood.
This summer saw the return of Aiden Pearce and Wrench, now older, in the story expansion for Watch Dogs: Legion — Bloodline. Set shortly after the main game’s events, the development follows both characters as they join forces to thwart a growing authoritarian threat from a corporate giant while grappling with their motivations and dealing with old wounds.
We were very excited to continue their stories in the world of Legion, develop Aiden’s relationship with his nephew Jackson, delve into Wrench’s motivations, and love the positive reactions from fans!
Finally, thanks to your feedback, we implemented multiple quality of life improvements in the game. During all this time, you have shown us your DedSec teams, your favorite recruits, and the best moments of the game, as well as fan art, cosplay, videos, and much more. We loved seeing your content and your passion!
TU 5.6 was the last update for Watch Dogs: Legion. However, in online mode, you will find reward circuits that will allow you to earn new and recurring rewards. The current Season 4 Rogues circuit, which includes 80 ranks, will be active until January 22, 2022, after which Season 5 Stripes will begin.
After that, Seasons 3-5 will continue their cycle and return to the game, giving you a chance to get missed rewards. Some of the prizes you can look forward to are a modified version of Aiden Pearce’s jacket or Jackson’s mask and clothing set.
The game has grown by leaps and bounds and includes a ton of content to explore, from a sprawling near-future city to an action-packed online mode.
We couldn’t be more proud of the game we’ve created, and we thank you for joining us this year on this journey to London. We look forward to seeing more of your adventures in Legion!